Wednesday, October 19, 2011

REALLY?!?!?! Its just one day, get over yourself!

I like most American women, is a sucker for the wedding show Say Yes to the Dress, but not so much the other shows like My Fair Wedding and Bridezilla. But after seeing clips of these other shows, it seems absurd that these women put themselves through all this stress and emotional roller-coaster for just one day.

 Of course I myself havent been through the wedding planning process until now, when my neighbor got engaged (which has reflected on my view on the whole institution of the bulls***). The emotional draining of trying to please yourself while also trying to respect the wishes of members of the family can really take a toll on the relationships of the family and even the couple themselves. After talking with my mom she never had these kind of problems, that she has at least told me, about the experience and she does agree that it was definitely the best day of her life and that this generation is all about who can do it bigger than everyone else.

And this is understandable when we have seen weddings like the royal wedding, Kim Kardashian, Heidi Montag, Jessica Simpson, and other celebrities that their relationships that dont even last that long even after spending all this money and time on just one day. Its ridiculous in my opinion but of course my mother always says I'll remember that when its your time to get married. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The marks of surgery, shouldn't look like your entering the Earths atmosphere

With shows like "Bridalplasty", "The Swan", and even "Keeping Up with the Kardashians", it has domesticated the operations of cosemtic surgery which has become more of an obsession to the audience of the United States. These shows try to make it seem like plastic surgery is no big deal, that everyone does it and they feel better about themselves afterwards. The reality is shown in shows like "Nip Tuck" which brings out the darker side of the operation. Showing viewers the grewsome results that some have and what the doctors actually do in order to create the "perfect face" for their patients. Results of the extremes that some people will go is clear in the faces of stars like Heidi Montag, Bruce Jenner, and some of the members of almost every city of the Real Housewives.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

C.O.D and other militaristic games: How does it impact you?

Call of Duty or better known as C.O.D (pronounced “cod”) is an example of the militaristic game that many men ranging from 13 to the odd age of mid to late 30’s that is very popular. Call of Duty places the player in certain battle like situations and the objective is to kill as many as the opposition as possible and can also include a “capture the flag” winning objective. The major appeal to the game other than the gore and guns includes a live chat feature which gives you the option to connect with friends as a team to win or to also connect with other players that you are playing against. Personally, I’ve been known to fall asleep during the game while my ex was playing with the volume on full blast. 

                I’m not sure if there is a direct correlation between the violence of the game and the violence of some teenagers, but I do know for a fact that it has ruined many relationships in high school because of the obsession behind the game. The problem rests with if the player has already had many issues with other peers or even authority figures which then after playing the game can also lead to even more violent problems. Also, because of the game I do know of some friends that because of the game have decided to try the criminal justice program and even think of joining the military, which I don’t think is the best idea from personally knowing these boys. And knowing some military personnel, Call of Duty is actually close to some of the live action training that some go through before deciding if they actually want to join the military.
                So the better question is that if games like these are encouraging boys, and some women, to join the forces, should we really put down a game like this? We know that all armed forces have to go through a psychological evaluation anyways before allowed to join, so what is the harm in a simple game?