Wednesday, October 19, 2011

REALLY?!?!?! Its just one day, get over yourself!

I like most American women, is a sucker for the wedding show Say Yes to the Dress, but not so much the other shows like My Fair Wedding and Bridezilla. But after seeing clips of these other shows, it seems absurd that these women put themselves through all this stress and emotional roller-coaster for just one day.

 Of course I myself havent been through the wedding planning process until now, when my neighbor got engaged (which has reflected on my view on the whole institution of the bulls***). The emotional draining of trying to please yourself while also trying to respect the wishes of members of the family can really take a toll on the relationships of the family and even the couple themselves. After talking with my mom she never had these kind of problems, that she has at least told me, about the experience and she does agree that it was definitely the best day of her life and that this generation is all about who can do it bigger than everyone else.

And this is understandable when we have seen weddings like the royal wedding, Kim Kardashian, Heidi Montag, Jessica Simpson, and other celebrities that their relationships that dont even last that long even after spending all this money and time on just one day. Its ridiculous in my opinion but of course my mother always says I'll remember that when its your time to get married. 


  1. It is pretty absurd when you thing about it how much time and effort an individual will put into one day, a day that they hardly remember. Not to say that people forget, its a big day and it represents a huge life change but all the details are really forgotten and go unnoticed by the bride on that day. At least that was the case for me. I recently got married, (Less than two week ago) and I can honestly say that all the time I put into perfecting the details didn't matter in the end, I didn't even notice. In fact some of the complete imperfections about the day are what I remember and love the most, such as my son sticking his hand into my wedding cake, or my son sitting on my dress once we got to the end of the aisle so I couldn't move. My son is only 3 but those little imperfections are what made the day mine, the represented my life better than some big "perfect" wedding. Its amazing how much coverage and marketing is out there for the big white wedding and how much pressure there is to go crazy for "the best day of your life" but it can still be the best day of your life. As long as it represent the bride and groom and what they love and think is beautiful thats really all that matters, no need to put on a show that represents what our culture thinks a wedding should be like. That just doesn't seem very personal to me.

  2. Whatever happened to taking the time to enjoy your wedding day? Such high stress is put on looking perfect, that some brides forget to enjoy the moment, and just breathe! I think people forget that the act of getting married should be about the couple, and not about making everything perfect. Plus, you do not go into married life in debt!
