Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kids Television... What is that suppose to be?!?

After discussing the amount of advertising that is thrown at kids these days and seeing it by just observing my next door neighbor, Natalie who is two, I realized that even though shows try to teach them lessons, the only one that is getting through is that they need more crap( toys, games, useless pieces of plastic).

Shows like Dora the Explorer, Spongebob, The Wiggles, and the worst; Yo Gabba Gabba, not only have the shows, but the endless amounts of merchandise to go along with the show. On top of that a lot of toy companies are coming out with products that in my opinion destroy a childs imagination rather than expanding it. This of course is the most depressing of all of this because what is the point of enjoying a childhood without some imagination.

Then we created our own versions of kids tv shows and then it clicked, wouldnt holidays like birthdays and Christmas be even more special and magical for kids if it wasnt all about the latest toys, movies, or games based off some ridiculous show that took the Christmas idea as well for advertising? Remembering some of my much earlier Christmases, it was more about the original foundations of the holiday rather than the advertisements idea of what Christmas should be, every new and latest little thing. But instead giving back to the community.

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